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Things to do After your Job Interview
Write a Thank You Note Regardless of how well a job interview went or how interested you are...
Day 9: Reading is Feeding Your Mind. Is Your Mind Malnourished?
This is day 9 of our 30 day series “30 Simple Things to Do to Change Your Life...
Why You Should Check Your Emotions After Receiving a Rejection Letter
That flashing blue light at the top of your phone makes your heart stop. Slowly, you exhale through...
Day 8: Meditation – It’s Not What You Think, and You’re Already Doing It
This is day 8 of our 30 day series “30 Simple Things to Do to Change Your Life...
Business degree jobs: 11 of the best roles to apply for
A business degree will help you in a range of industries. The skills you’ll learn are transferable, making...
Day 7: Admit it – You’re Addicted to Social Media. Here’s the Damage You’re Doing, and How to Stop
This is day 7 of our 30 day series “30 Simple Things to Do to Change Your Life...